Bigha to Square Feet Converter

The Bigha to Square Feet Converter is designed to simplify land measurement conversions. Bigha is a traditional land measurement unit commonly used in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, and converting it to Square Feet ensures compatibility with modern land measurement practices.


The formula to convert Bigha to Square Feet is straightforward:

Square Feet=Bigha×27,225\text{Square Feet} = \text{Bigha} \times 27,225

Here, 27,225 is the conversion factor that represents the number of square feet in one Bigha (approximate value, as it may vary by region).

Example Calculation

If you have 3 Bighas of land and want to know its area in Square Feet, use the formula:

Square Feet=3×27,225=81,675\text{Square Feet} = 3 \times 27,225 = 81,675

So, 3 Bighas is equal to 81,675 square feet.

This Bigha to Square Feet Converter is especially useful for property transactions and understanding land dimensions in a format that's universally accepted in real estate and legal documentation.

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