Brick Wall Calculator

Last updated: 26 Jun 2024 | By: Build Wise Team

"Brick Wall Calculator" calculating the total wall area, the number of bricks needed, and the total cost of the bricks.

Total Wall Area
Number of Brick Needed

Calculate Wall Area

To calculate the wall area, you simply multiply the length by the height.

Wall area = Wall length × Wall height


  • Wall length = 20 feet
  • Wall height = 10 feet

Wall area = 20 feet × 10 feet

Wall area = 200 square feet

So, the wall area is 200 square feet.

Calculate Number of Brick Needed

To calculate how many bricks will be required, Calculate the number of bricks needed horizontally and vertically to cover the wall.

Bricks Horizontally=Wall LengthBrick Length +Mortar Thickness \text{Bricks Horizontally} = \frac{\text{Wall Length}}{\text{Brick Length } + \text{Mortar Thickness }}

Bricks Vertically=Wall WidthBrick Height +Mortar Thickness\text{Bricks Vertically} = \frac{\text{Wall Width}}{\text{Brick Height } + \text{Mortar Thickness}}

It divides the total length and width of the wall by the length and height of each brick including the mortar thickness.

Now, to calculate the total number of bricks needed, multiplying the number of bricks horizontally by the number of bricks vertically and round up to the nearest whole number since you can't have a fraction of a brick.

Total Bricks=Bricks Horizontally×Bricks Vertically\text{Total Bricks} = \text{Bricks Horizontally} \times \text{Bricks Vertically}

If the wall type is double, it doubles the total number of bricks needed, assuming some special condition for that type of wall.

Here, calculates the wastage percentage of bricks based on user input. It multiplies the total number of bricks by (1 + wastagePercentage / 100) to include the wastage.