Calculate Wall Area

To calculate the wall area, you simply multiply the length by the height. 

Wall area = Wall length × Wall height


  • Wall length = 20 feet
  • Wall height = 10 feet

\text{Wall area} = \text{Wall length} \times \text{Wall height} Wall area = 20 feet × 10 feet

Wall area = 200 square feet

So, the wall area is 200 square feet.

Calculate Block Size

Determine the size of the concrete blocks you will be using. Concrete blocks come in various standard sizes

Block size = Block length × Block height

Let us assume the length of the block is 9inch and height/thickness is 3inch

Block size = 9 inch × 3 inch

Block size = 27 square inch

Block size = 0.1875 square feet

Calculate Number of Concrete Block Needed

Divide the total area of the wall by the area of one block to get the number of blocks needed.

Number of Blocks=Total Wall AreaBlock Area\text{Number of Blocks} = \frac{\text{Total Wall Area}}{\text{Block Area}}


Number of Blocks=200 square ft0.1875 square ft\text{Number of Blocks} = \frac{\text{200 ft}}{\text{0.1875 ft}}

Number of Blocks = 1067\text{Number of Blocks} = \text{1067}