Why Calculate Duct Volume?

Understanding the volume of your ductwork is crucial for several reasons:

  • System Efficiency: Properly sized ducts ensure efficient airflow and system performance.
  • Material Estimation: Knowing the volume helps in estimating the amount of insulation or other materials needed.
  • Cost Calculation: Accurate volume calculations can aid in budgeting for projects by determining material and installation costs.

How to Use the Duct Volume Calculator?

  1. Select Duct Shape: Choose either "Rectangular" or "Circular" from the options provided.

  2. Enter Dimensions: Input the required dimensions for your chosen duct shape.
    • For Rectangular Ducts: Enter the width, height, and length.
    • For Circular Ducts: Enter the diameter and length.
  3. Calculate: Click on the "Calculate" button to get the volume of the duct.

Rectangular Duct Volume Calculation

To calculate the volume of a rectangular duct, use the following formula:

Volume=Width×Height×Length\text{Volume} = \text{Width} \times \text{Height} \times \text{Length}

Example: If a rectangular duct has a width of 2 feet, a height of 1.5 feet, and a length of 10 feet, the volume would be:

Volume=2 ft×1.5 ft×10 ft=30 cubic feet

Circular Duct Volume Calculation

To calculate the volume of a circular duct, use the following formula:

Volume=π(Diameter2)2×Length{Volume} = \pi \left(\frac{\text{Diameter}}{2}\right)^2 \times \text{Length}

Example: If a circular duct has a diameter of 3 feet and a length of 10 feet, the volume would be:

Volume=3.14159(3 ft2)2×10ft\text{Volume} = 3.14159 \left(\frac{\text{3 ft}}{2}\right)^2 \times \text{10ft}

Volume = 70.69 cubic feet