Fence Material and Pickets Calculator

Last updated: 25 Apr 2024 | By: Build Wise Team

Build your dream fence! Our Calculator removes material guesswork. Enter length, height, post details & get post/rail needs instantly. 

Need concrete? Enter post width and thickness to calculate the exact concrete volume required for secure post installation.

Number of posts
Number of rails needed
Number of pickets needed
Concrete volume

How Many Fence Posts Do You Need?

Generally, fence posts are spaced 7 to 8 feet or 2.5 meter apart. To calculate the number of posts you'll need for your fence, divide the fence length by the post spacing and round the result up to get the number of sections.

Then, add 1 to account for the last post.

Let us understand this with an example: Let's figure out how many posts are needed for a fence with a planned length of 150 feet.

Number of Posts=(Fence length in ft.Post space in ft)+

Number of Posts=(1508)+1\text{Number of Post} = \left(\frac{150}{8}\right) + 1

Number of Posts=18.75+1\text{Number of Posts} = \text{18.75} + \text{1}

Number of Posts=19+1 (round the result)\text{Number of Posts} = \text{19} + \text{1}

Number of Posts = 20\text{Number of Posts} = \text{20}


How Many Rails Needed For Your Fence?

Enter the number of rails per fence section to estimate the total number of rails you'll need. We recommend using two rails per section. However, for taller fences, you may need more rails for additional stability.

It is very easy to calculate the number of rails. multiply the number of rails used per section by the total number of sections to get the total number of rails needed for your entire fence project.

No. of rails=Rails per section×No. of sections\text{Number of rails} = \text{Rails per section} \times \text{Number of sections}

No. of rails=2 rails/section×19 sections\text{Number of rails} = 2\text{ rails/section} \times 19\text{ sections}

Number of rails= 38

How Many Pickets Do You Need?

Calculating the number of pickets for your fence is a breeze! Here's what you'll need:

  1. Fence length: This is the total distance your fence will span.
  2. Picket width: This is the width of each individual picket.
  3. Picket spacing: This is the distance between each picket. (For a privacy fence, this spacing would typically be 0.)

No. of Pickets=Fence LengthPicket Width+Picket Spacing

Let us assume that the length of the fence is 100 feet, the width of the picket is 5 inches, and the spacing of the picket is 1 inch. First, let's convert 100 feet into inches. This equals 1200 inches.

In this example, the measurement of picket width and picket distance is inches, if it is centimeters or any other unit then convert it to inches. Overall, we should measure fence length, picket width and picket spacing in the same unit.

Number of Pickets=12005+1{\text{Number of Pickets}} = \frac{1200}{5 + 1}

Number of Pickets = 200{\text{Number of Pickets}} = \text{200}

Total Concrete Volume

The height, length of the fence posts, and number of posts are required to calculate the amount of concrete needed for your fence pillars. The post shape can be either cuboid or round (cylinder). There are different ways to calculate concrete for both shapes.

To find the concrete needed for one post, we take the total volume of the hole and subtract the volume of the part of the post that will be buried. This gives us the exact amount of concrete required to fill the remaining space and hold the post firmly.

Concrete=Hole volume-Buried post volume\text{Concrete} = \text{Hole volume} - \text{Buried post volume}

Concrete Volume for Cuboid Posts:

If the post shape is "cuboid", the we need values such as post length, width and thickness. It then calculate the volume of the cuboid-shaped post and the hole volume using the formula for the volume of a cuboid:

Volume of Cuboid Post:

๐‘‰๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘’=W๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘กโ„Ž×Thickness×Depth๐‘‰๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘’= W๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘กโ„Ž × Thickness × Depth

Volume of Hole:

W: Post Width , T: Post Thinkness

Volumne=3×W×3×T×DepthVolumne=3×W×3×T× Depth


Concrete Volume Per Post

The formula calculates the concrete volume needed for each post by subtracting the volume of the post from the volume of the hole. This accounts for the extra concrete required to fill the space around the post in the hole, ensuring stability and proper installation.

Concrete per Post=Hole Volume-Post Volume\text{Concrete per Post} = \text{Hole Volume} - \text{Post Volume}

Total Concrete=Concrete Per Post×No. of Post\text{Total Concrete} = \text{Concrete Per Post} \times \text{No. of Post}

Concrete Volume for Cylindrical Posts:

When dealing with cylindrical posts, the formula for calculating the volume is based on the volume of a cylinder. The volume of a cylinder is determined by its radius and height In the provided code, the radius is calculated from the diameter of the post, then halved to get the radius.

The formula to find the radius of a cylindrical fence post depends on the given dimensions. If you have the diameter of the post, you can find the radius using the formula:

Radius=Diameter2Radius = \frac{Diameter}{2}

To find the volume of a cylindrical fence post is based on the formula for the volume of a cylinder. The formula is:

Post Volume=π×Radius2×Post Depth

Hole V.=π(3×Hole Radius2)×PostDepth\text{Hole Volume} = \pi \left( 3 \times \text{Hole Radius}^2 \right) \times \text{Post Depth} \text{Volume} = \pi \times \text{Radius}^2 \times \text{Post Depth}

Once the volume of the cylindrical post is calculated, it is subtracted from the volume of the hole (holeVolumeholeVolume). This gives us the space remaining in the hole after inserting the post, which represents the volume of concrete required to fill the remaining gap and ensure the post is firmly anchored.

Concrete per Post=Hole Volume-Post Volume\text{Concrete per Post} = \text{Hole Volume} - \text{Post Volume}


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